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It's that time of the year again.....

I send this reminder out regularly through the winter, but after Storm Debi it is perhaps timely to remind you all again. I'll try and keep it simple............

1. Are you at risk of flooding in your home?. Might you need help in this scenario or any other emergency. If we know about you in advance then we can get help to you all the sooner. You can pick up a registration form at Cockermouth Library or register online here: . If this doesn't apply to you, do you have a friend, relative or neighbour that you can recommend us to?

2. Does your property have flood defences - do you know how to put them up yourself. If not maybe it's time to practise?

3. Do you have your own flood plan? If not here's a link to a document that we have prepared that might give you an idea of what to think about. You can also pick up hard copies of this at the Library

4. If you see me around time, trying to scuff my shoes beside the kerb, it is often because I am trying to clear leaves out of drains. If you spot any lying water near a drain it could be that this is blocked, and this will cause surface water flooding which can prove to be problematical in more than one way. Can we ask that you report this if you see it? You do this on the Cumberland Council Website. It's very easy to do and here's the link

5. And finally.....could you or a loved one benefit from a bit of help from Electricity North West in the event of a power cut. We are working in partnership with them to promote their extra care register. Here's the link for some more info - again please share it with someone you know if it doesn't apply to you!

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