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Latest guidance on schools

Please see the attached link which gives the latest guidance for those with children at school in Cumbria.

Storm Arwen recovery advice

A guide has been prepared to help those affected by Storm Arwen. It has useful guidance on all sorts including claiming money for power...

Storm Arwen aftermath

Electricity North West have established an email address to provide a dedicated service to customers with queries relating to Storm Arwen....

Household leaflet

Things are tricky at the moment to say the least. We would encourage you to put in place any flood defences and check your non return...

Foreign language speakers needed

Do you speak a foreign language. Would you be willing to help us talk to someone whose first language is not English in an emergency? ...

Are you weather ready? Welcome to the official launch of the Met Office's...

The winter ahead

I am sure many of you are all aware of the government's winter plan but just in case you haven't seen it on the news - here's a link......

Christmas Light Switch on 2021

We are going to be there this year for the first time - with an exciting chance to win great prizes whilst also contributing to the...

Mayor's Charity Night

We have been asked to circulate this by the Town Council.

Calling KS2 teachers.....!

The Flood Team at Newground have developed an education package containing a number of lessons and resources for schools and young...

Self isolation rules have changed!

Adults and children will be free to return to work, attend school, and meet friends and family as the protection from vaccines replaces...

A notable day

Beat the Heat

As temperatures have risen over the last years, there has been an increase in mortality due to heat, thus this year there have been...

July 19th and beyond...

Many of us are thankful that some of the Covid 19 restrictions are being lifted yet many are anxious. As expected, it was announced...

Our latest newsletter

Our focus is starting to move away from Covid and vaccination support to our original function. For more news of what we have going on -...

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